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Slot: analyte_category

The type of analyte(s) that were measured in the data generation process and analyzed

_ in the Workflow Chain_


URI: nmdc:analyte_category

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
NucleotideSequencing A DataGeneration in which the sequence of DNA or RNA molecules is generated no
MassSpectrometry Spectrometry where the sample is converted into gaseous ions which are charac... no
DataGeneration The methods and processes used to generate omics data from a biosample or org... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

LinkML Source

name: analyte_category
description: "The type of analyte(s) that were measured in the data generation process\
  \ and analyzed\n  in the Workflow Chain\n"
rank: 1000
alias: analyte_category
- DataGeneration
range: AnalyteCategoryEnum
required: true