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Slot: funding_sources

A list of organizations, along with the award numbers, that underwrite financial support for projects of a particular type. Typically, they process applications and award funds to the chosen qualified applicants.

URI: nmdc:funding_sources

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Study A study summarizes the overall goal of a research initiative and outlines the... no


  • Range: String

  • Multivalued: True


National Sciences Foundation Dimensions of Biodiversity (award no. 1342701)
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) under contract DE-AC05-00OR2275


  • Include only the name of the funding organization and the award or contract number.

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

LinkML Source

name: funding_sources
description: A list of organizations, along with the award numbers, that underwrite
  financial support for projects of a particular type. Typically, they process applications
  and award funds to the chosen qualified applicants.
- Include only the name of the funding organization and the award or contract number.
- value: National Sciences Foundation Dimensions of Biodiversity (award no. 1342701)
- value: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental
    Research (BER) under contract DE-AC05-00OR2275
- NCIT:C39409
rank: 1000
multivalued: true
alias: funding_sources
- Study
range: string