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Slot: part_of

Links a resource to another resource that either logically or physically includes it.

URI: dcterms:isPartOf

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
FieldResearchSite A site, outside of a laboratory, from which biosamples may be collected yes
Study A study summarizes the overall goal of a research initiative and outlines the... yes
NucleotideSequencing A DataGeneration in which the sequence of DNA or RNA molecules is generated no
DataGeneration The methods and processes used to generate omics data from a biosample or org... yes
MassSpectrometry Spectrometry where the sample is converted into gaseous ions which are charac... no



  • is part of

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

LinkML Source

name: part_of
description: Links a resource to another resource that either logically or physically
  includes it.
- is part of
rank: 1000
slot_uri: dcterms:isPartOf
multivalued: true
alias: part_of
- FieldResearchSite
- Study
- DataGeneration
range: NamedThing