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Minimal Information about any Sequence Standard



Checklist Description
MIGSEukaryote Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote
MIGSBacteria Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea
MIGSPlant Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant
MIGSVirus Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea
MIGSOrg Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org
MIMS Metagenome or Environmental
MIMARKSSpecimen Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen
MIMARKSSurvey Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey
MISAG Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome
MIMAG Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome
MIUVIG Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome


Package Description
Water water
QuantityValue used to record a measurement
WastewaterSludge wastewater/sludge
Symbiont-associated symbiont-associated
Soil soil
Sediment sediment
Plant-associated plant-associated
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MicrobialMatBiofilm microbial mat/biofilm
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabs hydrocarbon resources-fluids/swabs
HydrocarbonResources-cores hydrocarbon resources-cores
Human-vaginal human-vaginal
Human-skin human-skin
Human-oral human-oral
Human-gut human-gut
Human-associated human-associated
Host-associated host-associated
Food-humanFoods food-human foods
Food-foodProductionFacility food-food production facility
Food-farmEnvironment food-farm environment
Food-animalAndAnimalFeed food-animal and animal feed
Core Core package. Do not use this directly, this is used to build other packages
BuiltEnvironment built environment
Air air
Agriculture agriculture


Combination Description
AirMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package air
AirMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package air
AirMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package air
AirMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package air
AirMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package air
AirMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package air
AirMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package air
AirMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package air
AirMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package air
AirMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package air
AirMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package air
BuiltEnvironmentMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package built environment
BuiltEnvironmentMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package built environment
Host-associatedMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package host-associated
Host-associatedMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package host-associated
Human-associatedMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package human-associated
Human-associatedMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package human-associated
Human-gutMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package human-gut
Human-gutMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package human-gut
Human-oralMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package human-oral
Human-oralMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package human-oral
Human-skinMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package human-skin
Human-skinMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package human-skin
Human-vaginalMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package human-vaginal
Human-vaginalMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package human-vaginal
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-coresMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MicrobialMatBiofilmMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
Plant-associatedMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package plant-associated
Plant-associatedMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package plant-associated
SedimentMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package sediment
SedimentMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package sediment
SedimentMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package sediment
SoilMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package soil
SoilMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package soil
SoilMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package soil
SoilMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package soil
SoilMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package soil
SoilMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package soil
SoilMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package soil
SoilMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package soil
SoilMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package soil
SoilMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package soil
SoilMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package soil
WastewaterSludgeMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WastewaterSludgeMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package wastewater_sludge
WaterMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package water
WaterMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package water
WaterMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package water
WaterMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package water
WaterMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package water
WaterMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package water
WaterMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package water
WaterMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package water
WaterMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package water
WaterMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package water
WaterMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package water
Symbiont-associatedMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package symbiont-associated
Symbiont-associatedMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package symbiont-associated
Food-humanFoodsMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package food-human foods
Food-humanFoodsMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package food-human foods
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-animalAndAnimalFeedMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package food-animal and animal feed
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-foodProductionFacilityMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package food-food production facility
Food-farmEnvironmentMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package food-farm environment
Food-farmEnvironmentMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package food-farm environment
AgricultureMIGSEukaryote Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIGSBacteria Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIGSPlant Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plant with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIGSVirus Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIGSOrg Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: org with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIMS Combinatorial checklist Metagenome or Environmental with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIMARKSSpecimen Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: specimen with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIMARKSSurvey Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Marker Specimen: survey with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMISAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIMAG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome with environmental package agriculture
AgricultureMIUVIG Combinatorial checklist Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome with environmental package agriculture