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Slot: host_subspecf_genlin

Information about the genetic distinctness of the host organism below the subspecies level e.g., serovar, serotype, biotype, ecotype, variety, cultivar, or any relevant genetic typing schemes like Group I plasmid. Subspecies should not be recorded in this term, but in the NCBI taxonomy. Supply both the lineage name and the lineage rank separated by a colon, e.g., biovar:abc123

URI: MIXS:0001318


  • Range: String
  • Multivalued: True


serovar:Newport, variety:glabrum, cultivar: Red Delicious

Identifier and Mapping Information


property value
Expected_value Genetic lineage below lowest rank of NCBI taxonomy, which is subspecies, e.g. serovar, biotype, ecotype, variety, cultivar

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: host_subspecf_genlin
    tag: Expected_value
    value: Genetic lineage below lowest rank of NCBI taxonomy, which is subspecies,
      e.g. serovar, biotype, ecotype, variety, cultivar
description: Information about the genetic distinctness of the host organism below
  the subspecies level e.g., serovar, serotype, biotype, ecotype, variety, cultivar,
  or any relevant genetic typing schemes like Group I plasmid. Subspecies should not
  be recorded in this term, but in the NCBI taxonomy. Supply both the lineage name
  and the lineage rank separated by a colon, e.g., biovar:abc123
title: host subspecific genetic lineage
- value: 'serovar:Newport, variety:glabrum, cultivar: Red Delicious'
string_serialization: '{rank name}:{text}'
slot_uri: MIXS:0001318
multivalued: true
alias: host_subspecf_genlin
- Agriculture
- FoodFarmEnvironment
- HostAssociated
- PlantAssociated
range: string
required: false
recommended: false