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User/Site Login and Authentication

Log in as a User

Open and click on the Authorize button near the top of the page:

auth button

In the modal dialog, enter your given username and password in the first form, and click Authorize:


Once authorized, hit Close to get back to the interactive API documentation:


Create a User


You need to be already logged in to create a new user. Also, only users aclum, dwinston, scanon, and scholia can create new users at this time.

Go to POST /users, and click the Try it out button. In the request body, the only required fields are username and password. If you know the ids of any sites you would like the new user to administer, enter those as an array value for the site_admin field.

Share a new user's password securely with them. For example, a free instance of the open-source snappass web app is hosted by dwinston at This will generate a one-time link that you can email, send via Slack message, etc. to the new user.

Create a Site Client

If you administer one or more sites, you can generate credentials for a site client that will act on behalf of the site. This is used for managing certain API resources -- rather than a person being responsible for a resource, a site is, and users that administer the site can come and go.

Once logged in, you can use GET /users/me to see the ids of sites you can administer. Example response:

  "username": "dwinston",
  "site_admin": [

You can create your own sites via POST /sites. If the id you request already exists, you will get an error response. Do not worry about setting capability_ids; those can be set later.

Once you have identified a site for which to generate credentials, use POST /sites/{site_id}:generateCredentials to do so. The response will look something like

  "client_id": "sys0***",
  "client_secret": "***"

Save this information like you saved your username and password.

Log in as a Site

Click on the Authorize button near the top of You may need to Logout first. Scroll all the way down to the second form, the one with only two fields, client_id and client_secret:


Note that the form is for the clientCredentials flow, whereas the first form is for the password flow. In this clientCredentials form, enter your site client credentials and Authorize. You are now logged in as a site client.