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Submit Metadata as JSON

Create a Data Repository Service (DRS) Object

I have created a public gist on Github via (a free service) for a fake biosample:

{"biosample_set": [{
    "id": "fake",
    "env_broad_scale" : {
        "term" : {"id": "ENVO:01000253"}
    "env_local_scale" : {
        "term" : {"id": "ENVO:01000621"}
    "env_medium" : {
        "term" : {"id": "ENVO:01000017"}

We will use this example for the tutorial. The link to the gist is, and if you click on the Raw button at the top-right corner of the code display window, you will get a URL for the raw data.

To create an object in the API, we need at least a URL, file checksum, file size, and the time the file was created / last modified prior to registration with the API. It's also recommended that you include a file name (with file extension ".json" in this case) and description.

# Example of obtaining sha256 checksum and file size in bytes on the command line: 
$ wget
...‘fake_biosample.json’ saved...
$ openssl dgst -sha256 fake_biosample.json
SHA256(fake_biosample.json)= c65ae13038ac980662472487a5a36cae23097e9c164fcbf0877b52b957d7faa7
$ stat -f "%z bytes" fake_biosample.json
260 bytes
  "description": "A fake biosample.",
  "name": "fake_biosample.json",
  "access_methods": [
      "access_url": {
        "url": ""
  "checksums": [
      "checksum": "c65ae13038ac980662472487a5a36cae23097e9c164fcbf0877b52b957d7faa7",
      "type": "sha256"
  "size": 260,
  "created_time": "2021-11-17T10:30:00-05:00"

After a POST /objects with the above as the request body, I get back a response object with an id that looks like sys0***.

Annotate the DRS object with the "metadata-in" type

Now, go to PUT /objects/{object_id}/types and ensure the types array for the object is ["metadata-in"]. This lets the Runtime know that you intend for this object to be ingested as NMDC metadata.


Monitor the progress of metadata ingest

After tagging the DRS Object as "metadata-in", the NMDC Runtime site senses that a new "metadata-in-1.0.0" job should be run given your DRS object id as input. You can then monitor runs of the job.

In general, will give you an overview of the NMDC Runtime site's job runs. If you have the username and password (ask dehays), you can administer the underlying Dagster orchestrator via its Dagit web UI via


The read-only version is hosted at NERSC in the same kubernetes pod as the read-write version -- we just haven't gotten around to getting a SSL certificate for a * subdomain.

Here's an example of the general Runs view after our new metadata has been ingested:


And indeed it has been ingested! See (unless we already deleted it -- see section below).

Removing a JSON document


You must be authorized to do this. Specifically, a document of the form

    "username" : <YOUR_USERNAME>,
    "action" : "/queries:run(query_cmd:DeleteCommand)",
must be present in the _runtime.api.allow database collection. Ask a database administrator to be added. Any to-be-deleted documents are backed up to a separate database immediately prior to deletion.

A call to POST /queries:run with the body

  "delete": "biosample_set",
  "deletes": [{"q": {"id": "fake"}, "limit": 1}]

will remove our fake document. Note that you need to be logged in as a user, NOT as a site client, to execute such a request. The syntax for the request is a subset of the MongoDB delete command syntax.


People who can delete documents can currently delete a document from any collection.

  "delete": "users",
  "deletes": [{"q": {"username": "useridontlike"}, "limit": 1}]