Slot: core_field
basic fields
This is an abstract slot and should not be populated directly.
URI: nmdc:core_field
- core_field
- abs_air_humidity
- add_recov_method
- additional_info
- address
- adj_room
- aero_struc
- agrochem_addition
- air_PM_concen
- air_temp
- air_temp_regm
- al_sat
- al_sat_meth
- alkalinity
- alkalinity_method
- alkyl_diethers
- aminopept_act
- ammonium
- amount_light
- ances_data
- annual_precpt
- annual_temp
- antibiotic_regm
- api
- arch_struc
- aromatics_pc
- asphaltenes_pc
- atmospheric_data
- avg_dew_point
- avg_occup
- avg_temp
- bac_prod
- bac_resp
- bacteria_carb_prod
- barometric_press
- basin
- bathroom_count
- bedroom_count
- benzene
- biochem_oxygen_dem
- biocide
- biocide_admin_method
- biol_stat
- biomass
- biotic_regm
- bishomohopanol
- blood_press_diast
- blood_press_syst
- bromide
- build_docs
- build_occup_type
- building_setting
- built_struc_age
- built_struc_set
- built_struc_type
- calcium
- carb_dioxide
- carb_monoxide
- carb_nitro_ratio
- ceil_area
- ceil_cond
- ceil_finish_mat
- ceil_struc
- ceil_texture
- ceil_thermal_mass
- ceil_type
- ceil_water_mold
- chem_administration
- chem_mutagen
- chem_oxygen_dem
- chem_treat_method
- chem_treatment
- chloride
- chlorophyll
- climate_environment
- conduc
- cool_syst_id
- crop_rotation
- cult_root_med
- cur_land_use
- cur_vegetation
- cur_vegetation_meth
- date_last_rain
- density
- depos_env
- dew_point
- diether_lipids
- diss_carb_dioxide
- diss_hydrogen
- diss_inorg_carb
- diss_inorg_nitro
- diss_inorg_phosp
- diss_iron
- diss_org_carb
- diss_org_nitro
- diss_oxygen
- diss_oxygen_fluid
- door_comp_type
- door_cond
- door_direct
- door_loc
- door_mat
- door_move
- door_size
- door_type
- door_type_metal
- door_type_wood
- door_water_mold
- down_par
- drainage_class
- drawings
- efficiency_percent
- elevator
- emulsions
- escalator
- ethylbenzene
- exp_duct
- exp_pipe
- ext_door
- ext_wall_orient
- ext_window_orient
- extreme_event
- fao_class
- fertilizer_regm
- field
- filter_type
- fire
- fireplace_type
- flooding
- floor_age
- floor_area
- floor_cond
- floor_count
- floor_finish_mat
- floor_struc
- floor_thermal_mass
- floor_water_mold
- fluor
- freq_clean
- freq_cook
- fungicide_regm
- furniture
- gaseous_environment
- gaseous_substances
- gender_restroom
- genetic_mod
- glucosidase_act
- gravidity
- gravity
- growth_facil
- growth_habit
- growth_hormone_regm
- hall_count
- handidness
- hc_produced
- hcr
- hcr_fw_salinity
- hcr_geol_age
- hcr_pressure
- hcr_temp
- heat_cool_type
- heat_deliv_loc
- heat_sys_deliv_meth
- heat_system_id
- heavy_metals
- heavy_metals_meth
- height_carper_fiber
- herbicide_regm
- horizon_meth
- host_age
- host_body_habitat
- host_body_product
- host_body_site
- host_body_temp
- host_color
- host_common_name
- host_diet
- host_dry_mass
- host_family_relation
- host_genotype
- host_growth_cond
- host_height
- host_last_meal
- host_length
- host_life_stage
- host_phenotype
- host_sex
- host_shape
- host_subject_id
- host_subspecf_genlin
- host_substrate
- host_symbiont
- host_taxid
- host_tot_mass
- host_wet_mass
- humidity
- humidity_regm
- indoor_space
- indoor_surf
- indust_eff_percent
- inorg_particles
- inside_lux
- int_wall_cond
- iw_bt_date_well
- iwf
- last_clean
- light_intensity
- light_regm
- light_type
- link_addit_analys
- link_class_info
- link_climate_info
- lithology
- local_class
- local_class_meth
- magnesium
- max_occup
- mean_frict_vel
- mean_peak_frict_vel
- mech_struc
- mechanical_damage
- methane
- micro_biomass_meth
- microbial_biomass
- mineral_nutr_regm
- misc_param
- n_alkanes
- nitrate
- nitrite
- nitro
- non_min_nutr_regm
- number_pets
- number_plants
- number_resident
- occup_density_samp
- occup_document
- occup_samp
- org_carb
- org_count_qpcr_info
- org_matter
- org_nitro
- org_particles
- organism_count
- owc_tvdss
- oxy_stat_samp
- oxygen
- part_org_carb
- part_org_nitro
- particle_class
- permeability
- perturbation
- pesticide_regm
- petroleum_hydrocarb
- ph
- ph_meth
- ph_regm
- phaeopigments
- phosphate
- phosplipid_fatt_acid
- photon_flux
- plant_growth_med
- plant_product
- plant_sex
- plant_struc
- pollutants
- pool_dna_extracts
- porosity
- potassium
- pour_point
- pre_treatment
- pres_animal_insect
- pressure
- prev_land_use_meth
- previous_land_use
- primary_prod
- primary_treatment
- prod_rate
- prod_start_date
- profile_position
- quad_pos
- radiation_regm
- rainfall_regm
- reactor_type
- redox_potential
- rel_air_humidity
- rel_humidity_out
- rel_samp_loc
- reservoir
- resins_pc
- room_air_exch_rate
- room_architec_elem
- room_condt
- room_connected
- room_count
- room_dim
- room_door_dist
- room_door_share
- room_hallway
- room_loc
- room_moist_dam_hist
- room_net_area
- room_occup
- room_samp_pos
- room_type
- room_vol
- room_wall_share
- room_window_count
- root_cond
- root_med_carbon
- root_med_macronutr
- root_med_micronutr
- root_med_ph
- root_med_regl
- root_med_solid
- root_med_suppl
- salinity
- salinity_meth
- salt_regm
- samp_capt_status
- samp_collect_point
- samp_dis_stage
- samp_floor
- samp_loc_corr_rate
- samp_md
- samp_preserv
- samp_room_id
- samp_sort_meth
- samp_store_dur
- samp_store_loc
- samp_store_temp
- samp_subtype
- samp_time_out
- samp_transport_cond
- samp_tvdss
- samp_type
- samp_weather
- samp_well_name
- saturates_pc
- season
- season_environment
- season_precpt
- season_temp
- season_use
- secondary_treatment
- sediment_type
- sewage_type
- shad_dev_water_mold
- shading_device_cond
- shading_device_loc
- shading_device_mat
- shading_device_type
- sieving
- silicate
- size_frac_low
- size_frac_up
- slope_aspect
- slope_gradient
- sludge_retent_time
- sodium
- soil_horizon
- soil_text_measure
- soil_texture_meth
- soil_type
- soil_type_meth
- solar_irradiance
- soluble_inorg_mat
- soluble_org_mat
- soluble_react_phosp
- space_typ_state
- specific
- specific_humidity
- sr_dep_env
- sr_geol_age
- sr_kerog_type
- sr_lithology
- standing_water_regm
- store_cond
- substructure_type
- sulfate
- sulfate_fw
- sulfide
- surf_air_cont
- surf_humidity
- surf_material
- surf_moisture
- surf_moisture_ph
- surf_temp
- suspend_part_matter
- suspend_solids
- tan
- temp_out
- tertiary_treatment
- tidal_stage
- tillage
- tiss_cult_growth_med
- toluene
- tot_carb
- tot_depth_water_col
- tot_diss_nitro
- tot_inorg_nitro
- tot_iron
- tot_nitro
- tot_nitro_cont_meth
- tot_nitro_content
- tot_org_c_meth
- tot_org_carb
- tot_part_carb
- tot_phosp
- tot_phosphate
- tot_sulfur
- train_line
- train_stat_loc
- train_stop_loc
- turbidity
- tvdss_of_hcr_press
- tvdss_of_hcr_temp
- typ_occup_density
- ventilation_rate
- ventilation_type
- vfa
- vfa_fw
- vis_media
- viscosity
- volatile_org_comp
- wall_area
- wall_const_type
- wall_finish_mat
- wall_height
- wall_loc
- wall_surf_treatment
- wall_texture
- wall_thermal_mass
- wall_water_mold
- wastewater_type
- water_cont_soil_meth
- water_content
- water_current
- water_cut
- water_feat_size
- water_feat_type
- water_prod_rate
- water_temp_regm
- watering_regm
- weekday
- win
- wind_direction
- wind_speed
- window_cond
- window_cover
- window_horiz_pos
- window_loc
- window_mat
- window_open_freq
- window_size
- window_status
- window_type
- window_vert_pos
- window_water_mold
- xylene
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
Biosample | Biological source material which can be characterized by an experiment | no |
- Range: String
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
LinkML Source
name: core field
description: basic fields
rank: 1000
abstract: true
alias: core_field
- Biosample
range: string