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Slot: type

the class_uri of the class that has been instantiated

URI: rdf:type

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
MobilePhaseSegment A fluid mixture of substances that flow though a chromatographic stationary p... no
Site no
Extraction A material separation in which a desired component of an input material is se... no
ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis A workflow execution activity that performs taxonomy classification using seq... no
MassSpectrometry Spectrometry where the sample is converted into gaseous ions which are charac... no
Study A study summarizes the overall goal of a research initiative and outlines the... no
OntologyClass A representation of class defined in an external ontology no
EnvironmentalMaterialTerm no
NamedThing a databased entity or concept/class no
MaterialProcessing A process that takes one or more samples as inputs and generates one or more ... no
Configuration A set of parameters that define the actions of a process and is shared among ... no
OntologyRelation A relationship between two ontology classes as specified either directly in t... no
NomAnalysis no
ProcessedSample no
FieldResearchSite A site, outside of a laboratory, from which biosamples may be collected no
Doi A centrally registered identifier symbol used to uniquely identify objects gi... no
FunctionalAnnotationTerm Abstract grouping class for any term/descriptor that can be applied to a func... no
MetatranscriptomeAssembly no
DataGeneration The methods and processes used to generate omics data from a biosample or org... no
ProteinQuantification This is used to link a metaproteomics analysis workflow to a specific protein no
MetaboliteIdentification This is used to link a metabolomics analysis workflow to a specific metabolit... no
ProtocolExecution A PlannedProces that has PlannedProcess parts no
FailureCategorization no
TimestampValue A value that is a timestamp no
PersonValue An attribute value representing a person no
PortionOfSubstance A portion of any matter of defined composition that has discrete existence, w... no
MetagenomeAnnotation A workflow execution activity that provides functional and structural annotat... no
InformationObject Any data or knowledge that reduces uncertainty or enhances understanding abou... no
DataObject An object that primarily consists of symbols that represent information no
OrthologyGroup A set of genes or gene products in which all members are orthologous no
GeneProduct A molecule encoded by a gene that has an evolved function no
FunctionalAnnotationAggMember no
PlannedProcess no
MetabolomicsAnalysis no
WorkflowExecution Represents an instance of an execution of a particular workflow no
MetatranscriptomeAnnotation no
EukEval This class contains information pertaining to evaluating if a Metagenome-Asse... no
Biosample Biological source material which can be characterized by an experiment no
Sample A sample is a material entity that can be characterized by an experiment no
Pathway A pathway is a sequence of steps/reactions carried out by an organism or comm... no
NucleotideSequencing A DataGeneration in which the sequence of DNA or RNA molecules is generated no
ChromatographicSeparationProcess The process of using a selective partitioning of the analyte or interferent b... no
DissolvingProcess A mixing step where a soluble component is mixed with a liquid component no
ChromatographyConfiguration A set of parameters that define and control the actions of a chromatography p... no
MagBin no
MassSpectrometryConfiguration A set of parameters that define and control the actions of a mass spectrometr... no
CollectingBiosamplesFromSite no
ChemicalConversionProcess A process that results in the interconversion of chemical species by a reacti... no
GenomeFeature A feature localized to an interval along a genome no
LibraryPreparation no
ChemicalEntity An atom or molecule that can be represented with a chemical formula no
MaterialEntity no
MagsAnalysis A workflow execution activity that uses computational binning tools to group ... no
ControlledIdentifiedTermValue A controlled term or class from an ontology, requiring the presence of term w... no
MetagenomeAssembly A workflow execution activity that converts sequencing reads into an assemble... no
Protocol no
MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis A workflow process that provides expression values and read counts for gene f... no
CreditAssociation This class supports binding associated researchers to studies no
FiltrationProcess The process of segregation of phases; e no
SubSamplingProcess Separating a sample aliquot from the starting material for downstream activit... no
GeolocationValue A normalized value for a location on the earth's surface no
StorageProcess A planned process with the objective to preserve and protect material entitie... no
TextValue A basic string value no
Manifest A qualified collection of DataObjects that can be analyzed together in the sa... no
QuantityValue A simple quantity, e no
ControlledTermValue A controlled term or class from an ontology no
AttributeValue The value for any value of a attribute for a sample no
ImageValue An attribute value representing an image no
Instrument A material entity that is designed to perform a function in a scientific inve... no
MetaproteomicsAnalysis no
Pooling physical combination of several instances of like material no
PeptideQuantification This is used to link a metaproteomics analysis workflow to a specific peptide... no
MixingProcess The combining of components, particles or layers into a more homogeneous stat... no
CalibrationInformation A calibration object that is associated with a process no
ReadQcAnalysis A workflow execution activity that performs quality control on raw Illumina r... no
FunctionalAnnotation An assignment of a function term (e no
MetagenomeSequencing Initial sequencing activity that precedes any analysis no




See Also

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self rdf:type

LinkML Source

name: type
description: the class_uri of the class that has been instantiated
- replaces legacy nmdc:type slot
- makes it easier to read example data files
- required for polymorphic MongoDB collections
- value: nmdc:Biosample
- value: nmdc:Study
    literal_form: workflow_execution_class
    predicate: NARROW_SYNONYM
rank: 1000
slot_uri: rdf:type
designates_type: true
alias: type
- EukEval
- FunctionalAnnotationAggMember
- PeptideQuantification
- ProteinQuantification
- MobilePhaseSegment
- PortionOfSubstance
- MagBin
- MetaboliteIdentification
- GenomeFeature
- FunctionalAnnotation
- AttributeValue
- NamedThing
- OntologyRelation
- FailureCategorization
- Protocol
- CreditAssociation
- Doi
range: uriorcurie
required: true