abs_air_humidity |
Actual mass of water vapor - mh20 - present in the air water vapor mixture |
add_recov_method |
Additional (i |
additional_info |
Information that doesn't fit anywhere else |
address |
The street name and building number where the sampling occurred |
adj_room |
List of rooms (room number, room name) immediately adjacent to the sampling r... |
aero_struc |
Aerospace structures typically consist of thin plates with stiffeners for the... |
agrochem_addition |
Addition of fertilizers, pesticides, etc |
air_data |
aggregation slot relating air data collections to a SampleData container |
air_PM_concen |
Concentration of substances that remain suspended in the air, and comprise mi... |
air_temp |
Temperature of the air at the time of sampling |
air_temp_regm |
Information about treatment involving an exposure to varying temperatures; sh... |
al_sat |
Aluminum saturation (esp |
al_sat_meth |
Reference or method used in determining Al saturation |
alkalinity |
Alkalinity, the ability of a solution to neutralize acids to the equivalence ... |
alkalinity_method |
Method used for alkalinity measurement |
alkyl_diethers |
Concentration of alkyl diethers |
alt |
Altitude is a term used to identify heights of objects such as airplanes, spa... |
alternative_identifiers |
A list of alternative identifiers for the entity |
alternative_names |
A list of alternative names used to refer to the entity |
aminopept_act |
Measurement of aminopeptidase activity |
ammonium |
Concentration of ammonium in the sample |
ammonium_nitrogen |
Concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the sample |
amount_light |
The unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per u... |
analysis_type |
Select all the data types associated or available for this biosample |
ances_data |
Information about either pedigree or other ancestral information description ... |
annual_precpt |
The average of all annual precipitation values known, or an estimated equival... |
annual_temp |
Mean annual temperature |
antibiotic_regm |
Information about treatment involving antibiotic administration; should inclu... |
api |
API gravity is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared... |
arch_struc |
An architectural structure is a human-made, free-standing, immobile outdoor c... |
aromatics_pc |
Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) is an analysis method that d... |
asphaltenes_pc |
Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) is an analysis method that d... |
atmospheric_data |
Measurement of atmospheric data; can include multiple data |
avg_dew_point |
The average of dew point measures taken at the beginning of every hour over a... |
avg_occup |
Daily average occupancy of room |
avg_temp |
The average of temperatures taken at the beginning of every hour over a 24 ho... |
bac_prod |
Bacterial production in the water column measured by isotope uptake |
bac_resp |
Measurement of bacterial respiration in the water column |
bacteria_carb_prod |
Measurement of bacterial carbon production |
barometric_press |
Force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of air above that... |
basin |
Name of the basin (e |
bathroom_count |
The number of bathrooms in the building |
bedroom_count |
The number of bedrooms in the building |
benzene |
Concentration of benzene in the sample |
biochem_oxygen_dem |
Amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms in a body o... |
biocide |
List of biocides (commercial name of product and supplier) and date of admini... |
biocide_admin_method |
Method of biocide administration (dose, frequency, duration, time elapsed bet... |
biofilm_data |
aggregation slot relating biofilm data collections to a SampleData container |
biol_stat |
The level of genome modification |
biomass |
Amount of biomass; should include the name for the part of biomass measured, ... |
biomaterial_purity |
biotic_regm |
Information about treatment(s) involving use of biotic factors, such as bacte... |
biotic_relationship |
Description of relationship(s) between the subject organism and other organis... |
bishomohopanol |
Concentration of bishomohopanol |
blood_press_diast |
Resting diastolic blood pressure, measured as mm mercury |
blood_press_syst |
Resting systolic blood pressure, measured as mm mercury |
bromide |
Concentration of bromide |
build_docs |
The building design, construction and operation documents |
build_occup_type |
The primary function for which a building or discrete part of a building is i... |
building_setting |
A location (geography) where a building is set |
built_env_data |
aggregation slot relating built_env data collections to a SampleData containe... |
built_struc_age |
The age of the built structure since construction |
built_struc_set |
The characterization of the location of the built structure as high or low hu... |
built_struc_type |
A physical structure that is a body or assemblage of bodies in space to form ... |
bulk_elect_conductivity |
Electrical conductivity is a measure of the ability to carry electric current... |
calcium |
Concentration of calcium in the sample |
carb_dioxide |
Carbon dioxide (gas) amount or concentration at the time of sampling |
carb_monoxide |
Carbon monoxide (gas) amount or concentration at the time of sampling |
carb_nitro_ratio |
Ratio of amount or concentrations of carbon to nitrogen |
ceil_area |
The area of the ceiling space within the room |
ceil_cond |
The physical condition of the ceiling at the time of sampling; photos or vide... |
ceil_finish_mat |
The type of material used to finish a ceiling |
ceil_struc |
The construction format of the ceiling |
ceil_texture |
The feel, appearance, or consistency of a ceiling surface |
ceil_thermal_mass |
The ability of the ceiling to provide inertia against temperature fluctuation... |
ceil_type |
The type of ceiling according to the ceiling's appearance or construction |
ceil_water_mold |
Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on the ceiling |
chem_administration |
List of chemical compounds administered to the host or site where sampling oc... |
chem_mutagen |
Treatment involving use of mutagens; should include the name of mutagen, amou... |
chem_oxygen_dem |
A measure of the capacity of water to consume oxygen during the decomposition... |
chem_treat_method |
Method of chemical administration(dose, frequency, duration, time elapsed bet... |
chem_treatment |
List of chemical compounds administered upstream the sampling location where ... |
chloride |
Concentration of chloride in the sample |
chlorophyll |
Concentration of chlorophyll |
climate_environment |
Treatment involving an exposure to a particular climate; treatment regimen in... |
collection_date |
The time of sampling, either as an instance (single point in time) or interva... |
collection_date_inc |
Date the incubation was harvested/collected/ended |
collection_time |
The time of sampling, either as an instance (single point) or interval |
collection_time_inc |
Time the incubation was harvested/collected/ended |
conduc |
Electrical conductivity of water |
cool_syst_id |
The cooling system identifier |
core_field |
basic fields |
crop_rotation |
Whether or not crop is rotated, and if yes, rotation schedule |
cult_root_med |
Name or reference for the hydroponic or in vitro culture rooting medium; can ... |
cur_land_use |
Present state of sample site |
cur_vegetation |
Vegetation classification from one or more standard classification systems, o... |
cur_vegetation_meth |
Reference or method used in vegetation classification |
data_files_section |
date_last_rain |
The date of the last time it rained |
density |
Density of the sample, which is its mass per unit volume (aka volumetric mass... |
depos_env |
Main depositional environment (https://en |
depth |
The vertical distance below local surface, e |
description |
a human-readable description of a thing |
dew_point |
The temperature to which a given parcel of humid air must be cooled, at const... |
dh_section |
dh_section grouping slot |
diether_lipids |
Concentration of diether lipids; can include multiple types of diether lipids |
diss_carb_dioxide |
Concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide in the sample or liquid portion of ... |
diss_hydrogen |
Concentration of dissolved hydrogen |
diss_inorg_carb |
Dissolved inorganic carbon concentration in the sample, typically measured af... |
diss_inorg_nitro |
Concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen |
diss_inorg_phosp |
Concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus in the sample |
diss_iron |
Concentration of dissolved iron in the sample |
diss_org_carb |
Concentration of dissolved organic carbon in the sample, liquid portion of th... |
diss_org_nitro |
Dissolved organic nitrogen concentration measured as; total dissolved nitroge... |
diss_oxygen |
Concentration of dissolved oxygen |
diss_oxygen_fluid |
Concentration of dissolved oxygen in the oil field produced fluids as it cont... |
dna_absorb1 |
260/280 measurement of DNA sample purity |
dna_absorb2 |
260/230 measurement of DNA sample purity |
dna_concentration |
dna_cont_type |
Tube or plate (96-well) |
dna_cont_well |
dna_container_id |
dna_dnase |
dna_isolate_meth |
Describe the method/protocol/kit used to extract DNA/RNA |
dna_project_contact |
dna_samp_id |
dna_sample_format |
Solution in which the DNA sample has been suspended |
dna_sample_name |
Give the DNA sample a name that is meaningful to you |
dna_seq_project |
dna_seq_project_name |
dna_seq_project_pi |
dna_volume |
dnase_rna |
door_comp_type |
The composite type of the door |
door_cond |
The phsical condition of the door |
door_direct |
The direction the door opens |
door_loc |
The relative location of the door in the room |
door_mat |
The material the door is composed of |
door_move |
The type of movement of the door |
door_size |
The size of the door |
door_type |
The type of door material |
door_type_metal |
The type of metal door |
door_type_wood |
The type of wood door |
door_water_mold |
Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on a door |
down_par |
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column |
drainage_class |
Drainage classification from a standard system such as the USDA system |
drawings |
The buildings architectural drawings; if design is chosen, indicate phase-con... |
ecosystem |
An ecosystem is a combination of a physical environment (abiotic factors) and... |
ecosystem_category |
Ecosystem categories represent divisions within the ecosystem based on specif... |
ecosystem_subtype |
Ecosystem subtypes represent further subdivision of Ecosystem types into more... |
ecosystem_type |
Ecosystem types represent things having common characteristics within the Eco... |
efficiency_percent |
Percentage of volatile solids removed from the anaerobic digestor |
elev |
Elevation of the sampling site is its height above a fixed reference point, m... |
elevator |
The number of elevators within the built structure |
emsl_data |
aggregation slot relating emsl data collections to a SampleData container |
emsl_section |
emsl_store_temp |
The temperature at which the sample should be stored upon delivery to EMSL |
emulsions |
Amount or concentration of substances such as paints, adhesives, mayonnaise, ... |
env_broad_scale |
Report the major environmental system the sample or specimen came from |
env_local_scale |
Report the entity or entities which are in the sample or specimen’s local vic... |
env_medium |
Report the environmental material(s) immediately surrounding the sample or sp... |
environment_field |
field describing environmental aspect of a sample |
escalator |
The number of escalators within the built structure |
ethylbenzene |
Concentration of ethylbenzene in the sample |
exp_duct |
The amount of exposed ductwork in the room |
exp_pipe |
The number of exposed pipes in the room |
experimental_factor |
Experimental factors are essentially the variable aspects of an experiment de... |
experimental_factor_other |
Other details about your sample that you feel can't be accurately represented... |
ext_door |
The number of exterior doors in the built structure |
ext_wall_orient |
The orientation of the exterior wall |
ext_window_orient |
The compass direction the exterior window of the room is facing |
external_database_identifiers |
Link to corresponding identifier in external database |
extreme_event |
Unusual physical events that may have affected microbial populations |
fao_class |
Soil classification from the FAO World Reference Database for Soil Resources |
fertilizer_regm |
Information about treatment involving the use of fertilizers; should include ... |
field |
Name of the hydrocarbon field (e |
filter_method |
Type of filter used or how the sample was filtered |
filter_type |
A device which removes solid particulates or airborne molecular contaminants |
fire |
Historical and/or physical evidence of fire |
fireplace_type |
A firebox with chimney |
flooding |
Historical and/or physical evidence of flooding |
floor_age |
The time period since installment of the carpet or flooring |
floor_area |
The area of the floor space within the room |
floor_cond |
The physical condition of the floor at the time of sampling; photos or video ... |
floor_count |
The number of floors in the building, including basements and mechanical pent... |
floor_finish_mat |
The floor covering type; the finished surface that is walked on |
floor_struc |
Refers to the structural elements and subfloor upon which the finish flooring... |
floor_thermal_mass |
The ability of the floor to provide inertia against temperature fluctuations |
floor_water_mold |
Signs of the presence of mold or mildew in a room |
fluor |
Raw or converted fluorescence of water |
freq_clean |
The number of times the sample location is cleaned |
freq_cook |
The number of times a meal is cooked per week |
fungicide_regm |
Information about treatment involving use of fungicides; should include the n... |
furniture |
The types of furniture present in the sampled room |
gaseous_environment |
Use of conditions with differing gaseous environments; should include the nam... |
gaseous_substances |
Amount or concentration of substances such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxid... |
gender_restroom |
The gender type of the restroom |
genetic_mod |
Genetic modifications of the genome of an organism, which may occur naturally... |
geo_loc_name |
The geographical origin of the sample as defined by the country or sea name f... |
glucosidase_act |
Measurement of glucosidase activity |
gold_path_field |
This is a grouping for any of the gold path fields |
gravidity |
Whether or not subject is gravid, and if yes date due or date post-conception... |
gravity |
Information about treatment involving use of gravity factor to study various ... |
growth_facil |
Type of facility where the sampled plant was grown; controlled vocabulary: gr... |
growth_habit |
Characteristic shape, appearance or growth form of a plant species |
growth_hormone_regm |
Information about treatment involving use of growth hormones; should include ... |
hall_count |
The total count of hallways and cooridors in the built structure |
handidness |
The handidness of the individual sampled |
hc_produced |
Main hydrocarbon type produced from resource (i |
hcr |
Main Hydrocarbon Resource type |
hcr_cores_data |
aggregation slot relating hcr_cores data collections to a SampleData containe... |
hcr_fluids_swabs_data |
aggregation slot relating hcr_fluids_swabs data collections to a SampleData c... |
hcr_fw_salinity |
Original formation water salinity (prior to secondary recovery e |
hcr_geol_age |
Geological age of hydrocarbon resource (Additional info: https://en |
hcr_pressure |
Original pressure of the hydrocarbon resource |
hcr_temp |
Original temperature of the hydrocarbon resource |
heat_cool_type |
Methods of conditioning or heating a room or building |
heat_deliv_loc |
The location of heat delivery within the room |
heat_sys_deliv_meth |
The method by which the heat is delivered through the system |
heat_system_id |
The heating system identifier |
heavy_metals |
Heavy metals present in the sequenced sample and their concentrations |
heavy_metals_meth |
Reference or method used in determining heavy metals |
height_carper_fiber |
The average carpet fiber height in the indoor environment |
herbicide_regm |
Information about treatment involving use of herbicides; information about tr... |
horizon_meth |
Reference or method used in determining the horizon |
host_age |
Age of host at the time of sampling; relevant scale depends on species and st... |
host_associated_data |
aggregation slot relating host_associated data collections to a SampleData co... |
host_body_habitat |
Original body habitat where the sample was obtained from |
host_body_product |
Substance produced by the body, e |
host_body_site |
Name of body site where the sample was obtained from, such as a specific orga... |
host_body_temp |
Core body temperature of the host when sample was collected |
host_color |
The color of host |
host_common_name |
Common name of the host |
host_diet |
Type of diet depending on the host, for animals omnivore, herbivore etc |
host_disease_stat |
List of diseases with which the host has been diagnosed; can include multiple... |
host_dry_mass |
Measurement of dry mass |
host_family_relation |
Familial relationships to other hosts in the same study; can include multiple... |
host_genotype |
Observed genotype |
host_growth_cond |
Literature reference giving growth conditions of the host |
host_height |
The height of subject |
host_last_meal |
Content of last meal and time since feeding; can include multiple values |
host_length |
The length of subject |
host_life_stage |
Description of life stage of host |
host_phenotype |
Phenotype of human or other host |
host_sex |
Gender or physical sex of the host |
host_shape |
Morphological shape of host |
host_subject_id |
A unique identifier by which each subject can be referred to, de-identified |
host_subspecf_genlin |
Information about the genetic distinctness of the host organism below the sub... |
host_substrate |
The growth substrate of the host |
host_symbiont |
The taxonomic name of the organism(s) found living in mutualistic, commensali... |
host_taxid |
NCBI taxon id of the host, e |
host_tot_mass |
Total mass of the host at collection, the unit depends on host |
host_wet_mass |
Measurement of wet mass |
humidity |
Amount of water vapour in the air, at the time of sampling |
humidity_regm |
Information about treatment involving an exposure to varying degree of humidi... |
id |
A unique identifier for a thing |
indoor_space |
A distinguishable space within a structure, the purpose for which discrete ar... |
indoor_surf |
Type of indoor surface |
indust_eff_percent |
Percentage of industrial effluents received by wastewater treatment plant |
infiltrations |
The amount of time it takes to complete each infiltration activity |
inorg_particles |
Concentration of particles such as sand, grit, metal particles, ceramics, etc |
insdc_bioproject_identifiers |
identifiers for corresponding project in INSDC Bioproject |
insdc_experiment_identifiers |
insdc_identifiers |
Any identifier covered by the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Coll... |
inside_lux |
The recorded value at sampling time (power density) |
int_wall_cond |
The physical condition of the wall at the time of sampling; photos or video p... |
interleaved_md5_checksum |
MD5 checksum of file in "interleaved FASTQ" |
interleaved_url |
URL for FASTQ file of interleaved reads |
investigation_field |
field describing aspect of the investigation/study to which the sample belong... |
isotope_exposure |
List isotope exposure or addition applied to your sample |
iw_bt_date_well |
Injection water breakthrough date per well following a secondary and/or terti... |
iwf |
Proportion of the produced fluids derived from injected water at the time of ... |
jgi_metagenomics_section |
jgi_metatranscriptomics_section |
jgi_mg_data |
aggregation slot relating jgi_mg data collections to a SampleData container |
jgi_mg_lr_data |
aggregation slot relating jgi_mg_lr data collections to a SampleData containe... |
jgi_mt_data |
aggregation slot relating jgi_mt data collections to a SampleData container |
language |
Should use ISO 639-1 code e |
last_clean |
The last time the floor was cleaned (swept, mopped, vacuumed) |
lat_lon |
The geographical origin of the sample as defined by latitude and longitude |
lbc_thirty |
lime buffer capacity, determined after 30 minute incubation |
lbceq |
lime buffer capacity, determined at equilibrium after 5 day incubation |
light_intensity |
Measurement of light intensity |
light_regm |
Information about treatment(s) involving exposure to light, including both li... |
light_type |
Application of light to achieve some practical or aesthetic effect |
link_addit_analys |
Link to additional analysis results performed on the sample |
link_class_info |
Link to digitized soil maps or other soil classification information |
link_climate_info |
Link to climate resource |
lithology |
Hydrocarbon resource main lithology (Additional information: http://petrowiki |
local_class |
Soil classification based on local soil classification system |
local_class_meth |
Reference or method used in determining the local soil classification |
magnesium |
Concentration of magnesium in the sample |
manganese |
Concentration of manganese in the sample |
max_occup |
The maximum amount of people allowed in the indoor environment |
mean_frict_vel |
Measurement of mean friction velocity |
mean_peak_frict_vel |
Measurement of mean peak friction velocity |
mech_struc |
mechanical structure: a moving structure |
mechanical_damage |
Information about any mechanical damage exerted on the plant; can include mul... |
metagenome_sequencing_interleaved_data |
aggregation slot relating interleaved metagenome sequencing data collections ... |
metagenome_sequencing_non_interleaved_data |
aggregation slot relating non-interleaved metagenome sequencing data collecti... |
metatranscriptome_sequencing_interleaved_data |
aggregation slot relating interleaved metatranscriptome sequencing data colle... |
metatranscriptome_sequencing_non_interleaved_data |
aggregation slot relating non-interleaved metatranscriptome sequencing data c... |
methane |
Methane (gas) amount or concentration at the time of sampling |
micro_biomass_c_meth |
Reference or method used in determining microbial biomass carbon |
micro_biomass_meth |
Reference or method used in determining microbial biomass |
micro_biomass_n_meth |
Reference or method used in determining microbial biomass nitrogen |
microbial_biomass |
The part of the organic matter in the soil that constitutes living microorgan... |
microbial_biomass_c |
The part of the organic matter in the soil that constitutes living microorgan... |
microbial_biomass_n |
The part of the organic matter in the soil that constitutes living microorgan... |
mineral_nutr_regm |
Information about treatment involving the use of mineral supplements; should ... |
misc_envs_data |
aggregation slot relating misc_envs data collections to a SampleData containe... |
misc_param |
Any other measurement performed or parameter collected, that is not listed he... |
mixs_core_section |
mixs_inspired_section |
mixs_investigation_section |
mixs_modified_section |
mixs_nassf_section |
mixs_section |
model |
n_alkanes |
Concentration of n-alkanes; can include multiple n-alkanes |
name |
A human readable label for an entity |
nitrate |
Concentration of nitrate in the sample |
nitrate_nitrogen |
Concentration of nitrate nitrogen in the sample |
nitrite |
Concentration of nitrite in the sample |
nitrite_nitrogen |
Concentration of nitrite nitrogen in the sample |
nitro |
Concentration of nitrogen (total) |
non_microb_biomass |
Amount of biomass; should include the name for the part of biomass measured, ... |
non_microb_biomass_method |
Reference or method used in determining biomass |
non_min_nutr_regm |
Information about treatment involving the exposure of plant to non-mineral nu... |
nucleic_acid_sequence_source_field |
number_pets |
The number of pets residing in the sampled space |
number_plants |
The number of plant(s) in the sampling space |
number_resident |
The number of individuals currently occupying in the sampling location |
object |
occup_density_samp |
Average number of occupants at time of sampling per square footage |
occup_document |
The type of documentation of occupancy |
occup_samp |
Number of occupants present at time of sample within the given space |
org_carb |
Concentration of organic carbon |
org_count_qpcr_info |
If qpcr was used for the cell count, the target gene name, the primer sequenc... |
org_matter |
Concentration of organic matter |
org_nitro |
Concentration of organic nitrogen |
org_nitro_method |
Method used for obtaining organic nitrogen |
org_particles |
Concentration of particles such as faeces, hairs, food, vomit, paper fibers, ... |
organism_count |
Total cell count of any organism (or group of organisms) per gram, volume or ... |
other_treatment |
Other treatments applied to your samples that are not applicable to the provi... |
owc_tvdss |
Depth of the original oil water contact (OWC) zone (average) (m TVDSS) |
oxy_stat_samp |
Oxygenation status of sample |
oxygen |
Oxygen (gas) amount or concentration at the time of sampling |
part_org_carb |
Concentration of particulate organic carbon |
part_org_nitro |
Concentration of particulate organic nitrogen |
particle_class |
Particles are classified, based on their size, into six general categories:cl... |
permeability |
Measure of the ability of a hydrocarbon resource to allow fluids to pass thro... |
perturbation |
Type of perturbation, e |
pesticide_regm |
Information about treatment involving use of insecticides; should include the... |
petroleum_hydrocarb |
Concentration of petroleum hydrocarbon |
ph |
Ph measurement of the sample, or liquid portion of sample, or aqueous phase o... |
ph_meth |
Reference or method used in determining ph |
ph_regm |
Information about treatment involving exposure of plants to varying levels of... |
phaeopigments |
Concentration of phaeopigments; can include multiple phaeopigments |
phosphate |
Concentration of phosphate |
phosplipid_fatt_acid |
Concentration of phospholipid fatty acids; can include multiple values |
photon_flux |
Measurement of photon flux |
plant_associated_data |
aggregation slot relating plant_associated data collections to a SampleData c... |
plant_growth_med |
Specification of the media for growing the plants or tissue cultured samples,... |
plant_product |
Substance produced by the plant, where the sample was obtained from |
plant_sex |
Sex of the reproductive parts on the whole plant, e |
plant_struc |
Name of plant structure the sample was obtained from; for Plant Ontology (PO)... |
pollutants |
Pollutant types and, amount or concentrations measured at the time of samplin... |
porosity |
Porosity of deposited sediment is volume of voids divided by the total volume... |
potassium |
Concentration of potassium in the sample |
pour_point |
Temperature at which a liquid becomes semi solid and loses its flow character... |
pre_treatment |
The process of pre-treatment removes materials that can be easily collected f... |
predicate |
pres_animal_insect |
The type and number of animals or insects present in the sampling space |
pressure |
Pressure to which the sample is subject to, in atmospheres |
prev_land_use_meth |
Reference or method used in determining previous land use and dates |
previous_land_use |
Previous land use and dates |
primary_prod |
Measurement of primary production, generally measured as isotope uptake |
primary_treatment |
The process to produce both a generally homogeneous liquid capable of being t... |
processing_institution |
The organization that processed the sample |
prod_rate |
Oil and/or gas production rates per well (e |
prod_start_date |
Date of field's first production |
profile_position |
Cross-sectional position in the hillslope where sample was collected |
project_id |
Proposal IDs or names associated with dataset |
proposal_dna |
proposal_rna |
protocol_link |
quad_pos |
The quadrant position of the sampling room within the building |
radiation_regm |
Information about treatment involving exposure of plant or a plant part to a ... |
rainfall_regm |
Information about treatment involving an exposure to a given amount of rainfa... |
reactor_type |
Anaerobic digesters can be designed and engineered to operate using a number ... |
read_1_md5_checksum |
MD5 checksum of file in "read 1 FASTQ" |
read_1_url |
URL for FASTQ file of read 1 of a pair of reads |
read_2_md5_checksum |
MD5 checksum of file in "read 2 FASTQ" |
read_2_url |
URL for FASTQ file of read 2 of a pair of reads |
redox_potential |
Redox potential, measured relative to a hydrogen cell, indicating oxidation o... |
rel_air_humidity |
Partial vapor and air pressure, density of the vapor and air, or by the actua... |
rel_humidity_out |
The recorded outside relative humidity value at the time of sampling |
rel_samp_loc |
The sampling location within the train car |
replicate_number |
If sending biological replicates, indicate the rep number here |
reservoir |
Name of the reservoir (e |
resins_pc |
Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) is an analysis method that d... |
rna_absorb1 |
260/280 measurement of RNA sample purity |
rna_absorb2 |
260/230 measurement of RNA sample purity |
rna_concentration |
rna_cont_type |
Tube or plate (96-well) |
rna_cont_well |
rna_container_id |
rna_isolate_meth |
Describe the method/protocol/kit used to extract DNA/RNA |
rna_project_contact |
rna_samp_id |
rna_sample_format |
Solution in which the RNA sample has been suspended |
rna_sample_name |
Give the RNA sample a name that is meaningful to you |
rna_seq_project |
rna_seq_project_name |
rna_seq_project_pi |
rna_volume |
room_air_exch_rate |
The rate at which outside air replaces indoor air in a given space |
room_architec_elem |
The unique details and component parts that, together, form the architecture ... |
room_condt |
The condition of the room at the time of sampling |
room_connected |
List of rooms connected to the sampling room by a doorway |
room_count |
The total count of rooms in the built structure including all room types |
room_dim |
The length, width and height of sampling room |
room_door_dist |
Distance between doors (meters) in the hallway between the sampling room and ... |
room_door_share |
List of room(s) (room number, room name) sharing a door with the sampling roo... |
room_hallway |
List of room(s) (room number, room name) located in the same hallway as sampl... |
room_loc |
The position of the room within the building |
room_moist_dam_hist |
The history of moisture damage or mold in the past 12 months |
room_net_area |
The net floor area of sampling room |
room_occup |
Count of room occupancy at time of sampling |
room_samp_pos |
The horizontal sampling position in the room relative to architectural elemen... |
room_type |
The main purpose or activity of the sampling room |
room_vol |
Volume of sampling room |
room_wall_share |
List of room(s) (room number, room name) sharing a wall with the sampling roo... |
room_window_count |
Number of windows in the room |
root_cond |
Relevant rooting conditions such as field plot size, sowing density, containe... |
root_med_carbon |
Source of organic carbon in the culture rooting medium; e |
root_med_macronutr |
Measurement of the culture rooting medium macronutrients (N,P, K, Ca, Mg, S);... |
root_med_micronutr |
Measurement of the culture rooting medium micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu, ... |
root_med_ph |
pH measurement of the culture rooting medium; e |
root_med_regl |
Growth regulators in the culture rooting medium such as cytokinins, auxins, g... |
root_med_solid |
Specification of the solidifying agent in the culture rooting medium; e |
root_med_suppl |
Organic supplements of the culture rooting medium, such as vitamins, amino ac... |
salinity |
The total concentration of all dissolved salts in a liquid or solid sample |
salinity_meth |
Reference or method used in determining salinity |
salt_regm |
Information about treatment involving use of salts as supplement to liquid an... |
samp_capt_status |
Reason for the sample |
samp_collec_device |
The device used to collect an environmental sample |
samp_collec_method |
The method employed for collecting the sample |
samp_collect_point |
Sampling point on the asset were sample was collected (e |
samp_dis_stage |
Stage of the disease at the time of sample collection, e |
samp_floor |
The floor of the building, where the sampling room is located |
samp_loc_corr_rate |
Metal corrosion rate is the speed of metal deterioration due to environmental... |
samp_mat_process |
A brief description of any processing applied to the sample during or after r... |
samp_md |
In non deviated well, measured depth is equal to the true vertical depth, TVD... |
samp_name |
A local identifier or name that for the material sample used for extracting n... |
samp_preserv |
Preservative added to the sample (e |
samp_room_id |
Sampling room number |
samp_size |
The total amount or size (volume (ml), mass (g) or area (m2) ) of sample coll... |
samp_sort_meth |
Method by which samples are sorted; open face filter collecting total suspend... |
samp_store_dur |
Duration for which the sample was stored |
samp_store_loc |
Location at which sample was stored, usually name of a specific freezer/room |
samp_store_temp |
Temperature at which sample was stored, e |
samp_subtype |
Name of sample sub-type |
samp_time_out |
The recent and long term history of outside sampling |
samp_transport_cond |
Sample transport duration (in days or hrs) and temperature the sample was exp... |
samp_tvdss |
Depth of the sample i |
samp_type |
The type of material from which the sample was obtained |
samp_weather |
The weather on the sampling day |
samp_well_name |
Name of the well (e |
sample_id_section |
sample_link |
A unique identifier to assign parent-child, subsample, or sibling samples |
sample_shipped |
The total amount or size (volume (ml), mass (g) or area (m2) ) of sample sent... |
sample_type |
Type of sample being submitted |
saturates_pc |
Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) is an analysis method that d... |
season |
The season when sampling occurred |
season_environment |
Treatment involving an exposure to a particular season (e |
season_precpt |
The average of all seasonal precipitation values known, or an estimated equiv... |
season_temp |
Mean seasonal temperature |
season_use |
The seasons the space is occupied |
secondary_treatment |
The process for substantially degrading the biological content of the sewage |
sediment_data |
aggregation slot relating sediment data collections to a SampleData container |
sediment_type |
Information about the sediment type based on major constituents |
sequencing_section |
sewage_type |
Type of wastewater treatment plant as municipial or industrial |
shad_dev_water_mold |
Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on the shading device |
shading_device_cond |
The physical condition of the shading device at the time of sampling |
shading_device_loc |
The location of the shading device in relation to the built structure |
shading_device_mat |
The material the shading device is composed of |
shading_device_type |
The type of shading device |
sieving |
Collection design of pooled samples and/or sieve size and amount of sample si... |
silicate |
Concentration of silicate |
size_frac |
Filtering pore size used in sample preparation |
size_frac_low |
Refers to the mesh/pore size used to pre-filter/pre-sort the sample |
size_frac_up |
Refers to the mesh/pore size used to retain the sample |
slope_aspect |
The direction a slope faces |
slope_gradient |
Commonly called 'slope' |
sludge_retent_time |
The time activated sludge remains in reactor |
sodium |
Sodium concentration in the sample |
soil_data |
aggregation slot relating soil data collections to a SampleData container |
soil_horizon |
Specific layer in the land area which measures parallel to the soil surface a... |
soil_text_measure |
The relative proportion of different grain sizes of mineral particles in a so... |
soil_texture_meth |
Reference or method used in determining soil texture |
soil_type |
Description of the soil type or classification |
soil_type_meth |
Reference or method used in determining soil series name or other lower-level... |
solar_irradiance |
The amount of solar energy that arrives at a specific area of a surface durin... |
soluble_inorg_mat |
Concentration of substances such as ammonia, road-salt, sea-salt, cyanide, hy... |
soluble_org_mat |
Concentration of substances such as urea, fruit sugars, soluble proteins, dru... |
soluble_react_phosp |
Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus |
source_mat_id |
A unique identifier assigned to a material sample (as defined by http://rs |
space_typ_state |
Customary or normal state of the space |
specific |
The building specifications |
specific_ecosystem |
Specific ecosystems represent specific features of the environment like aphot... |
specific_humidity |
The mass of water vapour in a unit mass of moist air, usually expressed as gr... |
sr_dep_env |
Source rock depositional environment (https://en |
sr_geol_age |
Geological age of source rock (Additional info: https://en |
sr_kerog_type |
Origin of kerogen |
sr_lithology |
Lithology of source rock (https://en |
standing_water_regm |
Treatment involving an exposure to standing water during a plant's life span,... |
start_date_inc |
Date the incubation was started |
start_time_inc |
Time the incubation was started |
store_cond |
Explain how and for how long the soil sample was stored before DNA extraction... |
study_identifiers |
subject |
substructure_type |
The substructure or under building is that largely hidden section of the buil... |
sulfate |
Concentration of sulfate in the sample |
sulfate_fw |
Original sulfate concentration in the hydrocarbon resource |
sulfide |
Concentration of sulfide in the sample |
surf_air_cont |
Contaminant identified on surface |
surf_humidity |
Surfaces: water activity as a function of air and material moisture |
surf_material |
Surface materials at the point of sampling |
surf_moisture |
Water held on a surface |
surf_moisture_ph |
ph measurement of surface |
surf_temp |
Temperature of the surface at the time of sampling |
suspend_part_matter |
Concentration of suspended particulate matter |
suspend_solids |
Concentration of substances including a wide variety of material, such as sil... |
tan |
Total Acid Number (TAN) is a measurement of acidity that is determined by th... |
technical_reps |
If sending technical replicates of the same sample, indicate the replicate co... |
temp |
Temperature of the sample at the time of sampling |
temp_out |
The recorded temperature value at sampling time outside |
tertiary_treatment |
The process providing a final treatment stage to raise the effluent quality b... |
tidal_stage |
Stage of tide |
tillage |
Note method(s) used for tilling |
tiss_cult_growth_med |
Description of plant tissue culture growth media used |
toluene |
Concentration of toluene in the sample |
tot_carb |
Total carbon content |
tot_depth_water_col |
Measurement of total depth of water column |
tot_diss_nitro |
Total dissolved nitrogen concentration, reported as nitrogen, measured by: to... |
tot_inorg_nitro |
Total inorganic nitrogen content |
tot_iron |
Concentration of total iron in the sample |
tot_nitro |
Total nitrogen concentration of water samples, calculated by: total nitrogen ... |
tot_nitro_cont_meth |
Reference or method used in determining the total nitrogen |
tot_nitro_content |
Total nitrogen content of the sample |
tot_org_c_meth |
Reference or method used in determining total organic carbon |
tot_org_carb |
Definition for soil: total organic carbon content of the soil, definition oth... |
tot_part_carb |
Total particulate carbon content |
tot_phosp |
Total phosphorus concentration in the sample, calculated by: total phosphorus... |
tot_phosphate |
Total amount or concentration of phosphate |
tot_sulfur |
Concentration of total sulfur in the sample |
train_line |
The subway line name |
train_stat_loc |
The train station collection location |
train_stop_loc |
The train stop collection location |
turbidity |
Measure of the amount of cloudiness or haziness in water caused by individual... |
tvdss_of_hcr_press |
True vertical depth subsea (TVDSS) of the hydrocarbon resource where the orig... |
tvdss_of_hcr_temp |
True vertical depth subsea (TVDSS) of the hydrocarbon resource where the orig... |
typ_occup_density |
Customary or normal density of occupants |
type |
the class_uri of the class that has been instantiated |
url |
ventilation_rate |
Ventilation rate of the system in the sampled premises |
ventilation_type |
Ventilation system used in the sampled premises |
vfa |
Concentration of Volatile Fatty Acids in the sample |
vfa_fw |
Original volatile fatty acid concentration in the hydrocarbon resource |
vis_media |
The building visual media |
viscosity |
A measure of oil's resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or t... |
volatile_org_comp |
Concentration of carbon-based chemicals that easily evaporate at room tempera... |
wall_area |
The total area of the sampled room's walls |
wall_const_type |
The building class of the wall defined by the composition of the building ele... |
wall_finish_mat |
The material utilized to finish the outer most layer of the wall |
wall_height |
The average height of the walls in the sampled room |
wall_loc |
The relative location of the wall within the room |
wall_surf_treatment |
The surface treatment of interior wall |
wall_texture |
The feel, appearance, or consistency of a wall surface |
wall_thermal_mass |
The ability of the wall to provide inertia against temperature fluctuations |
wall_water_mold |
Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on a wall |
wastewater_sludge_data |
aggregation slot relating wastewater_sludge data collections to a SampleData ... |
wastewater_type |
The origin of wastewater such as human waste, rainfall, storm drains, etc |
water_cont_soil_meth |
Reference or method used in determining the water content of soil |
water_content |
Water content measurement |
water_current |
Measurement of magnitude and direction of flow within a fluid |
water_cut |
Current amount of water (%) in a produced fluid stream; or the average of the... |
water_data |
aggregation slot relating water data collections to a SampleData container |
water_feat_size |
The size of the water feature |
water_feat_type |
The type of water feature present within the building being sampled |
water_prod_rate |
Water production rates per well (e |
water_temp_regm |
Information about treatment involving an exposure to water with varying degre... |
watering_regm |
Information about treatment involving an exposure to watering frequencies, tr... |
weekday |
The day of the week when sampling occurred |
win |
A unique identifier of a well or wellbore |
wind_direction |
Wind direction is the direction from which a wind originates |
wind_speed |
Speed of wind measured at the time of sampling |
window_cond |
The physical condition of the window at the time of sampling |
window_cover |
The type of window covering |
window_horiz_pos |
The horizontal position of the window on the wall |
window_loc |
The relative location of the window within the room |
window_mat |
The type of material used to finish a window |
window_open_freq |
The number of times windows are opened per week |
window_size |
The window's length and width |
window_status |
Defines whether the windows were open or closed during environmental testing |
window_type |
The type of windows |
window_vert_pos |
The vertical position of the window on the wall |
window_water_mold |
Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on the window |
xylene |
Concentration of xylene in the sample |
zinc |
Concentration of zinc in the sample |