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Enum: SoilHorizonEnum

URI: SoilHorizonEnum

Permissible Values

Value Meaning Description
O horizon None
A horizon None
E horizon None
B horizon None
C horizon None
R layer None
Permafrost None
M horizon None


Name Description
soil_horizon Specific layer in the land area which measures parallel to the soil surface a...
soil_horizon Specific layer in the land area which measures parallel to the soil surface a...

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

LinkML Source

name: soil_horizon_enum
rank: 1000
  O horizon:
    text: O horizon
  A horizon:
    text: A horizon
  E horizon:
    text: E horizon
  B horizon:
    text: B horizon
  C horizon:
    text: C horizon
  R layer:
    text: R layer
    text: Permafrost
  M horizon:
    text: M horizon