Slot: ecosystem_type
Ecosystem types represent things having common characteristics within the Ecosystem Category. These common characteristics based grouping is still broad but specific to the characteristics of a given environment. Ecosystem type is in position 3/5 in a GOLD path.
URI: nmdc_sub_schema:ecosystem_type
- gold_path_field
- ecosystem_type
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
HcrFluidsSwabsInterface | hcr_fluids_swabs dh_interface | yes |
BiofilmInterface | biofilm dh_interface | yes |
SoilInterface | soil dh_interface | yes |
SedimentInterface | sediment dh_interface | yes |
MiscEnvsInterface | misc_envs dh_interface | yes |
PlantAssociatedInterface | plant_associated dh_interface | yes |
WaterInterface | water dh_interface | yes |
HostAssociatedInterface | host_associated dh_interface | yes |
BuiltEnvInterface | built_env dh_interface | yes |
WastewaterSludgeInterface | wastewater_sludge dh_interface | yes |
AirInterface | air dh_interface | yes |
HcrCoresInterface | hcr_cores dh_interface | yes |
- Range: String
- The Aquatic ecosystem category (for example) may have ecosystem types like Marine or Thermal springs etc. Ecosystem category Air may have Indoor air or Outdoor air as different Ecosystem Types. In the case of Host-associated samples, ecosystem type can represent Respiratory system, Digestive system, Roots etc.
See Also
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | nmdc_sub_schema:ecosystem_type |
native | nmdc_sub_schema:ecosystem_type |
LinkML Source
name: ecosystem_type
description: Ecosystem types represent things having common characteristics within
the Ecosystem Category. These common characteristics based grouping is still broad
but specific to the characteristics of a given environment. Ecosystem type is in
position 3/5 in a GOLD path.
- The Aquatic ecosystem category (for example) may have ecosystem types like Marine
or Thermal springs etc. Ecosystem category Air may have Indoor air or Outdoor air
as different Ecosystem Types. In the case of Host-associated samples, ecosystem
type can represent Respiratory system, Digestive system, Roots etc.
rank: 1000
is_a: gold_path_field
alias: ecosystem_type
- Biosample
- Study
- AirInterface
- BiofilmInterface
- BuiltEnvInterface
- HcrCoresInterface
- HcrFluidsSwabsInterface
- HostAssociatedInterface
- MiscEnvsInterface
- PlantAssociatedInterface
- SedimentInterface
- SoilInterface
- WastewaterSludgeInterface
- WaterInterface
range: string