Slot: sample linkage (sample_link)
A unique identifier to assign parent-child, subsample, or sibling samples. This is relevant when a sample or other material was used to generate the new sample.
URI: nmdc_sub_schema:sample_link
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
HcrFluidsSwabsInterface | hcr_fluids_swabs dh_interface | yes |
BiofilmInterface | biofilm dh_interface | yes |
SoilInterface | soil dh_interface | yes |
SedimentInterface | sediment dh_interface | yes |
MiscEnvsInterface | misc_envs dh_interface | yes |
PlantAssociatedInterface | plant_associated dh_interface | yes |
WaterInterface | water dh_interface | yes |
HostAssociatedInterface | host_associated dh_interface | yes |
BuiltEnvInterface | built_env dh_interface | yes |
WastewaterSludgeInterface | wastewater_sludge dh_interface | yes |
AirInterface | air dh_interface | yes |
SampIdNewTermsMixin | Mixin with SampIdNew Terms | no |
HcrCoresInterface | hcr_cores dh_interface | yes |
Range: String
Recommended: True
Value |
IGSN:DSJ0284 |
- This field allows multiple entries separated by ; (Examples: Soil collected from the field will link with the soil used in an incubation. The soil a plant was grown in links to the plant sample. An original culture sample was transferred to a new vial and generated a new sample)
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | nmdc_sub_schema:sample_link |
native | nmdc_sub_schema:sample_link |
LinkML Source
name: sample_link
description: A unique identifier to assign parent-child, subsample, or sibling samples.
This is relevant when a sample or other material was used to generate the new sample.
title: sample linkage
- 'This field allows multiple entries separated by ; (Examples: Soil collected from
the field will link with the soil used in an incubation. The soil a plant was grown
in links to the plant sample. An original culture sample was transferred to a new
vial and generated a new sample)'
- value: IGSN:DSJ0284
rank: 5
string_serialization: '{text}:{text}'
alias: sample_link
- Biosample
- AirInterface
- BiofilmInterface
- BuiltEnvInterface
- HcrCoresInterface
- HcrFluidsSwabsInterface
- HostAssociatedInterface
- MiscEnvsInterface
- PlantAssociatedInterface
- SedimentInterface
- SoilInterface
- WastewaterSludgeInterface
- WaterInterface
- SampIdNewTermsMixin
slot_group: Sample ID
range: string
recommended: true
multivalued: false