adapters |
Adapters provide priming sequences for both amplification and sequencing of t... |
annot |
Tool used for annotation, or for cases where annotation was provided by a com... |
assembly_name |
Name/version of the assembly provided by the submitter that is used in the ge... |
assembly_qual |
The assembly quality category is based on sets of criteria outlined for each ... |
assembly_software |
Tool(s) used for assembly, including version number and parameters |
associated_resource |
A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise associated to the ... |
bin_param |
The parameters that have been applied during the extraction of genomes from m... |
bin_software |
Tool(s) used for the extraction of genomes from metagenomic datasets, where p... |
chimera_check |
Tool(s) used for chimera checking, including version number and parameters, t... |
compl_appr |
The approach used to determine the completeness of a given genomic assembly, ... |
compl_score |
Completeness score is typically based on either the fraction of markers found... |
compl_software |
Tools used for completion estimate, i |
contam_score |
The contamination score is based on the fraction of single-copy genes that ar... |
contam_screen_input |
The type of sequence data used as input |
contam_screen_param |
Specific parameters used in the decontamination sofware, such as reference da... |
decontam_software |
Tool(s) used in contamination screening |
detec_type |
Type of UViG detection |
feat_pred |
Method used to predict UViGs features such as ORFs, integration site, etc |
host_pred_appr |
Tool or approach used for host prediction |
host_pred_est_acc |
For each tool or approach used for host prediction, estimated false discovery... |
lib_layout |
Specify whether to expect single, paired, or other configuration of reads |
lib_reads_seqd |
Total number of clones sequenced from the library |
lib_screen |
Specific enrichment or screening methods applied before and/or after creating... |
lib_size |
Total number of clones in the library prepared for the project |
lib_vector |
Cloning vector type(s) used in construction of libraries |
mag_cov_software |
Tool(s) used to determine the genome coverage if coverage is used as a binnin... |
mid |
Molecular barcodes, called Multiplex Identifiers (MIDs), that are used to spe... |
nucl_acid_amp |
A link to a literature reference, electronic resource or a standard operating... |
nucl_acid_ext |
A link to a literature reference, electronic resource or a standard operating... |
number_contig |
Total number of contigs in the cleaned/submitted assembly that makes up a giv... |
otu_class_appr |
Cutoffs and approach used when clustering species-level OTUs |
otu_db |
Reference database (i |
otu_seq_comp_appr |
Tool and thresholds used to compare sequences when computing "species-level" ... |
pcr_cond |
Description of reaction conditions and components of PCR in the form of 'init... |
pcr_primers |
PCR primers that were used to amplify the sequence of the targeted gene, locu... |
pred_genome_struc |
Expected structure of the viral genome |
pred_genome_type |
Type of genome predicted for the UViG |
reassembly_bin |
Has an assembly been performed on a genome bin extracted from a metagenomic a... |
ref_db |
List of database(s) used for ORF annotation, along with version number and re... |
sc_lysis_approach |
Method used to free DNA from interior of the cell(s) or particle(s) |
sc_lysis_method |
Name of the kit or standard protocol used for cell(s) or particle(s) lysis |
seq_meth |
Sequencing machine used |
seq_quality_check |
Indicate if the sequence has been called by automatic systems (none) or under... |
sim_search_meth |
Tool used to compare ORFs with database, along with version and cutoffs used |
sop |
Standard operating procedures used in assembly and/or annotation of genomes, ... |
sort_tech |
Method used to sort/isolate cells or particles of interest |
target_gene |
Targeted gene or locus name for marker gene studies |
target_subfragment |
Name of subfragment of a gene or locus |
tax_class |
Method used for taxonomic classification, along with reference database used,... |
tax_ident |
The phylogenetic marker(s) used to assign an organism name to the SAG or MAG |
trna_ext_software |
Tools used for tRNA identification |
trnas |
The total number of tRNAs identified from the SAG or MAG |
vir_ident_software |
Tool(s) used for the identification of UViG as a viral genome, software or pr... |
wga_amp_appr |
Method used to amplify genomic DNA in preparation for sequencing |
wga_amp_kit |
Kit used to amplify genomic DNA in preparation for sequencing |
x16s_recover |
Can a 16S gene be recovered from the submitted SAG or MAG? |
x16s_recover_software |
Tools used for 16S rRNA gene extraction |