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Release Process

NMDC Runtime Releases

How do new versions of the API and NMDC Runtime site (Dagster daemon and Dagit frontend) get released? Here's how.

  1. Ensure the tests pass (i.e., a "smoke test").

    • Either run tests locally via
      make up-test
      make test
    • or confirm the test pass via our python-app.yml GitHub action, which is triggered automatically when a change to any Python file in the repository is pushed to the main branch, or to a Pull Request. You can monitor the status of GitHub Actions here.
  2. Create a new GitHub Release. When creating the new release:

  3. Use the "Choose a tag" dropdown to create a new tag by typing in a tag name which does not exist yet.
  4. The new tag name should start with v and be followed by a semantic version number, for example v3.0.2.
  5. If the last published version is vX.Y.Z, the next release number should be vX.Y.{Z+1} for a patch release (bux fixes and refactoring), vX.{Y+1}.0 for a minor release (new functionality that is backwards-compatible), or v{X+1}.0.0 for a major release (new functionality that may be backwards-incompatible).
  6. You may leave the "Release title" input blank. If it is blank the release title will be populated with the tag name.

    Once the GitHub Release has been created, two GitHub Actions will be triggered which:

  7. build Docker images and deploy them to Spin for the API server and for the NMDC Runtime site's Dagster daemon and Dagit dashboard.

  8. build a Python package and publish it to PyPI.

Data Releases

In order to make sure the schema, database, and NMDC Runtime API are in sync we need to coordinate data updates that require schema changes.

Here is a summary of the process:

  1. NMDC Schema repo releases new version. All releases must include a migration script (even if it is null / empty) to run against MongoDB. See ADR 007
  2. Submit/Merge a PR with updated schema version and any related code changes.
  3. Build a new NMDC-runtime image so that it is ready to be deployed (See above).
  4. Database (Mongo) is switched to read-only mode to prevent inconsistencies.
    • TODO: decide on process for read-only mode
  5. Run mongodump to dump database on local machine
    • TODO: document mongodump command
    • FUTURE: improved process for doing inline DB migrations
  6. Run migration script runs against database on local machine (to migrate data)
    • TODO: Finalize location and instructions for migration script
  7. Run validation to make sure database on local machine adheres to updated schema version
    • TODO: Steps for validation
  8. If validation succeeds, run mongorestore to update database
    • TODO: Steps for mongorestore
  9. Database (Mongo) is switched from read-only mode back to original mode.
  10. Upgrade NMDC-runtime repo to latest version in Spin