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Class: NamedThing

a databased entity or concept/class


This is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly.

URI: nmdc:NamedThing

classDiagram class NamedThing click NamedThing href "../NamedThing" NamedThing <|-- DataObject click DataObject href "../DataObject" NamedThing <|-- Study click Study href "../Study" NamedThing <|-- MaterialEntity click MaterialEntity href "../MaterialEntity" NamedThing <|-- PlannedProcess click PlannedProcess href "../PlannedProcess" NamedThing <|-- OntologyClass click OntologyClass href "../OntologyClass" NamedThing <|-- GeneProduct click GeneProduct href "../GeneProduct" NamedThing : alternative_identifiers NamedThing : description NamedThing : id NamedThing : name



Name Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
id 1..1
A unique identifier for a thing direct
name 0..1
A human readable label for an entity direct
description 0..1
a human-readable description of a thing direct
alternative_identifiers 0..*
A list of alternative identifiers for the entity direct


used by used in type used
Pooling has_input domain NamedThing
Pooling has_output domain NamedThing
Pooling has_output range NamedThing
Extraction has_input domain NamedThing
Extraction has_input range NamedThing
Extraction has_output domain NamedThing
Extraction has_output range NamedThing
LibraryPreparation has_input domain NamedThing
LibraryPreparation has_output domain NamedThing
LibraryPreparation has_output range NamedThing
FieldResearchSite part_of domain NamedThing
FieldResearchSite part_of range NamedThing
CollectingBiosamplesFromSite has_input domain NamedThing
CollectingBiosamplesFromSite has_output domain NamedThing
Biosample part_of domain NamedThing
Study part_of domain NamedThing
BiosampleProcessing has_input domain NamedThing
BiosampleProcessing has_output domain NamedThing
BiosampleProcessing has_output range NamedThing
SubSamplingProcess has_input domain NamedThing
SubSamplingProcess has_input range NamedThing
SubSamplingProcess has_output domain NamedThing
MixingProcess has_input domain NamedThing
MixingProcess has_input range NamedThing
MixingProcess has_output domain NamedThing
FiltrationProcess has_input domain NamedThing
FiltrationProcess has_input range NamedThing
FiltrationProcess has_output domain NamedThing
FiltrationProcess has_output range NamedThing
ChromatographicSeparationProcess has_input domain NamedThing
ChromatographicSeparationProcess has_input range NamedThing
ChromatographicSeparationProcess has_output domain NamedThing
ChromatographicSeparationProcess has_output range NamedThing
OmicsProcessing has_input domain NamedThing
OmicsProcessing has_input range NamedThing
OmicsProcessing has_output domain NamedThing
OmicsProcessing part_of domain NamedThing
PlannedProcess has_input domain NamedThing
PlannedProcess has_input range NamedThing
PlannedProcess has_output domain NamedThing
PlannedProcess has_output range NamedThing
WorkflowExecutionActivity has_input domain NamedThing
WorkflowExecutionActivity has_input range NamedThing
WorkflowExecutionActivity has_output domain NamedThing
WorkflowExecutionActivity has_output range NamedThing
WorkflowExecutionActivity part_of domain NamedThing
WorkflowExecutionActivity part_of range NamedThing
MetagenomeAssembly has_input domain NamedThing
MetagenomeAssembly has_input range NamedThing
MetagenomeAssembly has_output domain NamedThing
MetagenomeAssembly has_output range NamedThing
MetagenomeAssembly part_of domain NamedThing
MetagenomeAssembly part_of range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAssembly has_input domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAssembly has_input range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAssembly has_output domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAssembly has_output range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAssembly part_of domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAssembly part_of range NamedThing
MetagenomeAnnotationActivity has_input domain NamedThing
MetagenomeAnnotationActivity has_input range NamedThing
MetagenomeAnnotationActivity has_output domain NamedThing
MetagenomeAnnotationActivity has_output range NamedThing
MetagenomeAnnotationActivity part_of domain NamedThing
MetagenomeAnnotationActivity part_of range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAnnotationActivity has_input domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAnnotationActivity has_input range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAnnotationActivity has_output domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAnnotationActivity has_output range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAnnotationActivity part_of domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeAnnotationActivity part_of range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeActivity has_input domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeActivity has_input range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeActivity has_output domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeActivity has_output range NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeActivity part_of domain NamedThing
MetatranscriptomeActivity part_of range NamedThing
MagsAnalysisActivity has_input domain NamedThing
MagsAnalysisActivity has_input range NamedThing
MagsAnalysisActivity has_output domain NamedThing
MagsAnalysisActivity has_output range NamedThing
MagsAnalysisActivity part_of domain NamedThing
MagsAnalysisActivity part_of range NamedThing
MetagenomeSequencingActivity has_input domain NamedThing
MetagenomeSequencingActivity has_input range NamedThing
MetagenomeSequencingActivity has_output domain NamedThing
MetagenomeSequencingActivity has_output range NamedThing
MetagenomeSequencingActivity part_of domain NamedThing
MetagenomeSequencingActivity part_of range NamedThing
ReadQcAnalysisActivity has_input domain NamedThing
ReadQcAnalysisActivity has_input range NamedThing
ReadQcAnalysisActivity has_output domain NamedThing
ReadQcAnalysisActivity has_output range NamedThing
ReadQcAnalysisActivity part_of domain NamedThing
ReadQcAnalysisActivity part_of range NamedThing
ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysisActivity has_input domain NamedThing
ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysisActivity has_input range NamedThing
ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysisActivity has_output domain NamedThing
ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysisActivity has_output range NamedThing
ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysisActivity part_of domain NamedThing
ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysisActivity part_of range NamedThing
MetabolomicsAnalysisActivity has_input domain NamedThing
MetabolomicsAnalysisActivity has_input range NamedThing
MetabolomicsAnalysisActivity has_output domain NamedThing
MetabolomicsAnalysisActivity has_output range NamedThing
MetabolomicsAnalysisActivity part_of domain NamedThing
MetabolomicsAnalysisActivity part_of range NamedThing
MetaproteomicsAnalysisActivity has_input domain NamedThing
MetaproteomicsAnalysisActivity has_input range NamedThing
MetaproteomicsAnalysisActivity has_output domain NamedThing
MetaproteomicsAnalysisActivity has_output range NamedThing
MetaproteomicsAnalysisActivity part_of domain NamedThing
MetaproteomicsAnalysisActivity part_of range NamedThing
NomAnalysisActivity has_input domain NamedThing
NomAnalysisActivity has_input range NamedThing
NomAnalysisActivity has_output domain NamedThing
NomAnalysisActivity has_output range NamedThing
NomAnalysisActivity part_of domain NamedThing
NomAnalysisActivity part_of range NamedThing

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self nmdc:NamedThing
native nmdc:NamedThing

LinkML Source


name: NamedThing
description: a databased entity or concept/class
abstract: true
- id
- name
- description
- alternative_identifiers


name: NamedThing
description: a databased entity or concept/class
abstract: true
    name: id
    description: A unique identifier for a thing. Must be either a CURIE shorthand
      for a URI or a complete URI
    - 'abstracted pattern: prefix:typecode-authshoulder-blade(.version)?(_seqsuffix)?'
    - a minimum length of 3 characters is suggested for typecodes, but 1 or 2 characters
      will be accepted
    - typecodes must correspond 1:1 to a class in the NMDC schema. this will be checked
      via per-class id slot usage assertions
    - minting authority shoulders should probably be enumerated and checked in the
    - value: nmdc:mgmag-00-x012.1_7_c1
    rank: 1000
    identifier: true
    alias: id
    owner: NamedThing
    - Biosample
    - Study
    - NamedThing
    - Activity
    range: uriorcurie
    required: true
    pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+:[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/\.,]*$
    name: name
    description: A human readable label for an entity
    rank: 1000
    alias: name
    owner: NamedThing
    - Protocol
    - NamedThing
    - PersonValue
    - Activity
    range: string
    name: description
    description: a human-readable description of a thing
    rank: 1000
    slot_uri: dcterms:description
    alias: description
    owner: NamedThing
    - Study
    - NamedThing
    - ImageValue
    range: string
    name: alternative_identifiers
    description: A list of alternative identifiers for the entity.
    rank: 1000
    multivalued: true
    alias: alternative_identifiers
    owner: NamedThing
    - Biosample
    - Study
    - NamedThing
    - MetaboliteQuantification
    range: uriorcurie
    pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+:[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/\.,]*$